


Today I speak to all the righteous of the earth which call all over the world, in order to unify their aspirations and prayers in an oblate that rises to heaven. That no barriers of religion, nationality or race divide them, because the day is not far where only one will be the division between men: just and unjust.The division is in the depths of his conscience and not in your outer appearance, visible. All who sincerely want to understand understand. Each knows himself, intimately, without your neighbour can perceive it. My word is universal, but it is also an intimate appeal, staff, everyone. Many will recognize. A great transformation approaches for the life of the world. My voice is singular, however, others will rise very soon, always stronger, settling in all parts of the world, so that the board no one lacks. I would like you to see these messages, beyond the path to be followed safely, the greatest proof of love to you, my children, after the proof of love of Calvary, Gethsemane, in a last call, whose task is now in the hands young men in spreading the truth, men of intelligence and faith, using ultra-modern features, and no more martyrs covered in blood. To all I say, "lift with my resurrection."



Keep yourselves in faith and love;
Faith asks your adoration for a strong and powerful God;
Love dictates to you the duties of brotherhood;
Faith enlightens the spirit;
Love makes the honors of the soul.
You will not reach the wisdom except for the study of God;
You will not be strong unless by conception of the fraternity.


What you will read below is nothing more than the contents of a letter found in the file of the Dukes of Cesarini, in Rome, in which is the physical and moral portrait of Jesus, and which had been sent to Jerusalem by Publius Lêtulo, then President of Judea, to Tiberius Caesar in Rome.

The Letter:

"Knowing what you want to know how I'm going to narrate, exist in our times a man, who currently lives in great virtues, named Jesus, who by the people is instilled the Prophet of truth, and his followers say he is the son of God, creator of heaven and Earth and all things therein are and who have been; Verily, o Cesar, each day you can hear wonderful things like Jesus: resurrects the dead, healing the sick, in a word: he is a man of fair stature and is very beautiful in appearance, and there is so much Majesty in the face, that those who see it are forced to love him or fear him. Has hair the color of ripe almond, are distended to the ears, and the ears to the shoulders, are the color of Earth, but more sparkling.

There in the middle of his forehead a line separating the hair, in the form in use in the Nazarenes, your face is full, the aspect is very serene, no wrinkle or stain can be seen on his face of a moderate color; the nose and the mouth are beyond reproach.

The beard is thick, but similar to the hair, not very long, but separated by half, its look is very endearing and serious; his eyes are expressive and clear, what is surprising is that glitter on his face as the Sun's rays, however anyone can stare his countenance, because when shines, panic, and when tempers, he cries; It is love and is happy with gravity.

It is said that no one's ever seen him laugh, but rather cry. Has the arms and hands very beautiful; in the lecture, content too, but does so rarely and, when it gets closer, it turns out that is very modest in the presence and in person. It's the most beautiful man imaginable, very similar to the Mother, which is a rare beauty, not having ever seen in these parts a woman as beautiful, however, if Your Majesty, o Cesar, want to see it, as in the past warning wrote, give me orders, which I will not fail to send him as soon as possible.

Of letters, does admire the entire city of Jerusalem; He knows all sciences and never studied anything. He walks barefoot and without anything on the head. Many laugh, seeing him like this, but in your presence, speaking as he, tremble and admire.

They say that such a man had never been heard in these parts. In fact, they say the Hebrews, not heard, ever such advice. of great doctrine, as teaches this Jesus; many Jews have as divine and many querelam me, stating that it is against the law to Your Majesty; I am greatly harassed by this evil Hebrews.

It is said that this Jesus never hurt anyone, but, on the contrary, those who know him and have practiced with him, his claim to have received great benefits and health, but your obedience I'm raring to go, what Your Majesty to order will be fulfilled.

Valley of Your Majesty, most faithful and thank you very much ... Publius Lentulus, President of Judean.

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Note: to not show in black and white, use only a little tonal effects, but nothing that changes the physical traits, as the original. But if you want to see it as original, click here.


  Pietro Ubaldi


Thanks to this man can learn more about our father, our Lord, our God the Law that governs us all.




  8Great Messages  
  8The Great Synthesis  
  8God and Universe  
  8The Law of God  
  8Principles of a New Ethics  
  8A Functional Technique of God's Law  

8The Great Battle


The contents of these works comes from the spiritual world, through the medium Pietro Ubaldi.











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