




The next illustration is based on real image of Jesus, whose origin involves us with a curious history. To meet her, visit the link Physical and Moral Portrait of Jesus.


Today I speak to all the righteous of the earth which call all over the world, in order to unify their aspirations and prayers in an oblate that rises to heaven. That no barriers of religion, nationality or race divide them, because the day is not far where only one will be the division between men: just and unjust.The division is in the depths of his conscience and not in your outer appearance, visible. All who sincerely want to understand understand. Each knows himself, intimately, without your neighbour can perceive it. My word is universal, but it is also an intimate appeal, staff, everyone. Many will recognize. A great transformation approaches for the life of the world. My voice is singular, however, others will rise very soon, always stronger, settling in all parts of the world, so that the board no one lacks. I would like you to see these messages, beyond the path to be followed safely, the greatest proof of love to you, my children, after the proof of love of Calvary, Gethsemane, in a last call, whose task is now in the hands young men in spreading the truth, men of intelligence and faith, using ultra-modern features, and no more martyrs covered in blood. To all I say, "lift with my resurrection."


  I come from the Top and from afar until you, full of love and kindness, and you deny me. Don't resist your souls barriers, but hear, ponder, let this beam of light that comes from God down your conscience, illuminating it. Poor beings, evil and wicked, however, you are my children, and for that love you would rise to the cross again to save you. Hear me! I speak to you with love, immense love. I went for you insulted and crucified, and I've forgiven you; I still forgive you and still love you. Hear me, because I'm the synthesis of all truths. I beseech you, humbly, for your salvation: hear my voice!


Christmas 1931



Keep yourselves in faith and love;
Faith asks your adoration for a strong and powerful God;
Love dictates to you the duties of brotherhood;
Faith enlightens the spirit;
Love makes the honors of the soul.
You will not reach the wisdom except for the study of God;
You will not be strong unless by conception of the fraternity.


In the silence of the holy night, listen to me. Put aside all the your know and your memories; put yourself aside and forget everything. Abandon yourself to My voice, inert, emptiness, in the nothingness, in the complete silence of space and time. In this emptiness, hear to my voice that tells you — rises and says ‘I Am’.

Rejoice for My presence. It is is a great good for you, a great prize, which you did earn so arduous; it is one sign that you have you taken this larger world in which I live and in which you believe. Don't ask my name, don't look for me to individualise. You couldn't, no one could. Don't try a chance useless. You know I'm always the same.

My voice, which is tender for you and a friend to all who suffer in the shadows, also knows how to be vibrant and thundering, like you never felt. Don't worry. Write. My word is directed to the depths of consciousness and touch, in the more intimate, the soul of who can hear it. For others, the less sensitive and unprepared, my voice will get lost in the immense vozear of life; but, no matter. My word should be said.

I speak today to all the righteous of the Earth and the call from all over the world, in order to comply their aspirations and prayers in a Oblate that rise to the heaven. I speak today to all the righteous of the Earth and the call from all over the world, in order to comply their aspirations and prayers in a Oblate that rise to the Heaven. That no barrier of religion, nationality or race the divide, because it's not far from the day when only one will be the division between men: just and on the unjust.

The Division is in the depths of consciousness and not in your appearance, visible. All who sincerely want to understand it, understand it. Closely, each knows himself, without the neighbor himself can perceive it.

My word is universal, but it is also an intimate, personal appeal, each. Many will recognize it.

A great transformation approaches to the life of the world. My voice is singular, but other voices will rise, very brief, always stronger, settling in all parts of the world, so that the recommendation does not miss anyone.

Do not be afraid; write and look. Note the trajectory of human events: it extends to the future. Who isn't stuck in your iron cages of space and time, of course, sees the future. That you expose in sight, it is also consistent second your human logic and, therefore, it is understandable to you.

People, as individuals, have a responsibility in the historical transformations, which follow a logical course; there is a chain of historical causes, which are free in the premises, however necessary having regard to the consequences.

The law of Justice, aspect of universal balance, under whose Government everything happens, including in your world, wants the balance is restored and that the faults and mistakes are all corrected by the pain. What you call evil, injustice, is a natural and fair response that neutralizes the effects of your actions. Everything is desired, everything is well deserved, although don't be prepared to remember the "how" and "when". Your world is full of pain, because it's a wild world, a place of suffering and trials; but do not fear the pain, because it's the only truly great thing that you possess. It Is the instrument that you have for the conquest of your redemption and of your release. Blessed are those who suffer, Christ said to you.

Scientific progress, the main fruit of your time, you still will advance in the field material. It is, however, amassing power, riches, instruments for a new and big bang. Imagine to what extent will the mechanical progress, expanded even more, if that has already achieved in a few years! No longer will exist, in fact, distances; the different peoples in such a way to communicate that there will be a single society.

However, the human mind changing direction from time to time, living cycles and periods, and in these various stages it should face different problems. The future contains not only continues, but transformations, consequences of a natural process of saturation. Your scientific progress tends to become and will become so hypertrophic , why not counterbalanced by a parallel moral progress, which the balance cannot be maintained in historical events. Has grown and will grow increasingly, unprecedented in history, the human domain over the forces of nature. An immense power will have the man, but he's not ready for this morally, because your psychology is, in substance, unfortunately, the same as the dark Middle Ages. Is a power too great and new for your inexperienced hands.

The man will be dominated by as wide a sense of pride and strength, which betray. The disproportion between your power and height of ethics your lives will make every day more pronounced, because every day that passes is, irresistibly, to you, that you divulged all over in that direction, a day of material progress.

The ideas are thrown back in time, with their own mass, like the bolides in space. I realize an increase of tension, slow, but constant, which preludes the inevitable burst of lightning. Even according to your logic, this explosion is the latest consequence of an entire movement. Disproportion and imbalance can't last; the law wants both to solve a new balance. Just like the last molecule of ice does fall apart the giant iceberg, so also a spark any fire will display. Formerly the historical cataclysms, living isolated people, could remain circumscribed; Not now. Many, who are being born, will see him.

The destruction, however, is required. There will be destruction only of what is form, fouling, crystallization, everything must disappear, so that remains just the idea, which summarizes the value of things. A great baptism of pain is necessary, in order that humanity regains its equilibrium, freely violated: a great evil, condition of the greater good.

After that, humanity, purified, lighter, more selected for having lost their worst elements, will convene around the strangers who today suffer and sow in silence; and will resume, renewed, the path of Ascension. A new era will begin: the spirit will have the domain and no longer matter, which will be reduced to bondage. Then, you will learn to see us and hear us; We descend on the crowd and you shall know the Truth.

Enough for now; go and rest. I shall come back, however, remember that my word is made of goodness and only one goal of goodness may be attracted to me. Where there is only curiosity, desire for excitement, levity or skeptical scientific research, there won't be. Only the goodness, the love, the pain attract me.

I preside the spiritual progress of your planet and for spiritual progress an act of kindness is worth more than a scientific discovery. Do not call upon proof of prodigy, when you can possess proof of reason and faith. It is your baseness that takes you to admire, as true signal and power, the exception that violates the divine order. If that can haunt and convince you, anarchists and rebels, for us, at the top, it constitutes the most shrill and offensive dissonance, is the most repugnant violation of Supreme order in which we are resting and in whose harmony we cheer, happy. Not seek similar evidence; recognize it, before, in the quality of My word.

To all I say: "Peace!"


Note: This was the 1st of the seven messages received by Pietro Ubaldi on Christmas Eve in 1931, for his forty-five years and ended in full World War II, at Easter 1943, with a exciting message of peace.

  Pietro Ubaldi


Thanks to this man can learn more about our father, our Lord, our God the Law that governs us all.




  8Great Messages  
  8The Great Synthesis  
  8God and Universe  
  8The Law of God  
  8Principles of a New Ethics  
  8A Functional Technique of God's Law  

8The Great Battle



The content of these works comes from the spirit world, via Pietro Ubaldi, the psychic paranormal contact device.



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