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VII - MESSAGE FROM NEW ERA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Written on Christmas Eve 1953, in St. Vicent, St. Paul, Brazil |
Then, in 1953 Christmas night, the Christ back to speak to humanity through the mind of his vehicle receiver of messages (Pietro Ubaldi, one medium, the mediator between Heaven and Earth). So that Christ begins to say: "In the silence of the holy night, as I told you the first time to start this work, again I speak to you now, after so many years. I return in my ten-year pace, started at Easter 1933 with the Message to Men of Good Will and the Message to Christians and continuing at Easter 1943 with the Message of Peace. This time, ten years later, in 1953, I return to speak to you, but at Christmas, because this is the birth day and this is the new message: at Christmas, as happened in 1931, because, after all other Easter Messages this message is the one that completes the series. I've been bringing you the word of hope, because in the chaos of the world are emerging new and first light of dawn. The time continues and already entered in the second half of the century, when it will accomplish what was predicted in my first message. I've come to speak to you at the time indicated by the rhythm that presides over the orderly development of events, according to the will of the High. The work has moved steadily and constant in these twenty years are ending, through storms that destroyed nation's and changed the political map of the world; advanced, everything resisting, steady and firm, as with things desired by the High. The work went on, hidden in the silence, protected by the shadow of general indifference, apparently entrusted to a poor man alone, with minimal human resources, winning only with the forces of sincerity and truth, the most humble and simple way, while your greatest human organizations crumbled. Today the miracle was fulfilled. This is for you a real test. You have today before the eyes of a complete system, which, with a unitary principle, solve all the problems and brings answer all the questions. You have now the guidance that provides you the key to explain the riddles of the universe. You may use it, now also personally to continue research to infinity in the analytical particular. The generations pass away, contemplating the cyclopean construction of high thought to High at the time of the world destination. A light will shine from the vertex of the pyramid to illuminate the world, and this light is called Christ. And the generations will walk the endless road of time. And will see by far the lighthouse indicating them the script. And one will indicate it to another, saying, "Take courage!". Rough is the pain and the long road of evolution, but we have a conductor. From above, the Christ looks at us and tells us. We are not alone. He is with us. At his feet, as pedestal, is the pyramid of knowledge, made of thought, which is His Light. Overcome the most elementary stage of faith, now comes the most advanced of knowledge, with which the love is completed. And, with the knowledge, Christ returns to Earth to fulfill His Kingdom, there are twenty centuries founded. The pace of the messages started on Christmas day 1931, continued in 1932 and ended at Easter of 1933 (on the centenary of the death of Christ 19TH), only reappearing later in decennial rhythm. The first message appeared at the end of 1931, because Christ's Body was buried on the afternoon of Good Friday. The messages continued to appear in 1932, as the body of Christ remained dead in the Tomb on Holy Saturday. Finished with the last message, at Easter of 1933, centenary of His death, as his Body was resurrected at the dawn of 3° day. Returned later, at a pace of ten years, and now complete twenty years, equivalent to twenty centuries have elapsed since then. Nominate you these harmonies, to make you understand the meaning of them. My instrument was ignoring them and couldn't have them designed, because the high there was given to him to meet them. What is harmonic descends from the High, what is dissonance comes from below. This message today corresponds to the end of the 2nd millennium and launches you into the arms of the third, the new civilization. This corresponds to the third day, in which aurora was the resurrection. That this unpredictable rhythms concordance, this musicality, also in the form of the genesis of the work, is to you a proof of truth. This Message throws you into the arms of the Third Millennium: therefore, it is the message of the New Era. The materialistic world is frantically fighting for its self-destruction. The Dragon will be killed by his own poison. Life, which never dies, is preparing to replace the old world to the new: the realm of the spirit, in which Christ will triumph. Humanity has been waiting for two thousand years by the good news, but it's finally time of its realization. Life will make use of the storms that evil forces are preparing to unleash, to cleanse itself. Will enjoy the destruction to rebuild on higher level. I repeat, so the word of the first Christmas Message 1931: "the destruction is required (...). A great baptism of pain is necessary, in order that humanity recover balance, freely violated: a great evil, condition of the greater good. After that, humanity, purified, lighter, more selected for having lost its worst elements will gather around the strangers who today suffer and sow in silence; and will resume, renewed, the path of Ascension. A new era will begin: the spirit will have the domain, and no longer matter, which will be reduced to captivity (...) ". So, you find the same words at the beginning and end. Today, however, you're twenty years more advanced in time, that is, in the maturation of events. Today you are in the fullness of time. That idea, developed through the trilogies of the Work, torwards to become reality. The luciferian revolt of materialistic atheism is to pursue against God its last desperate battle for absolute triumph, supreme effort that will result in its total ruin. When, then, God will make humanity understand, terrified, for the good of men, that only He is the absolute Lord. Are you still immersed in closed mist. But beyond them, it shines the Sun, which is about to emerge and flood the world of light and heat. The other side of the new Kingdom is next and humanity prepares to land on it. The new continent already appears in the eyes of experienced Navigator and humanity after the great journey of two millennia can scream — "land Ho!". So this one might call the Message of the New Era, because it no longer comes proclaim the Good News, but its implementation. Like everything, so far, was fulfilled in relentless pace, also all will continue to be fulfilled. With this second ten-year message is covered the period of the Second Millennium, ending the preparatory pace of the third day of the Resurrection, as the Third Millennium. Now, that I drove you here, at the gates of the new millennium, with this message, the message cycle is completed. This cycle preceded and accompanied the Work, which now continues in the opposite hemisphere that started it, now developing on the beaches of new lands where the new great civilizations of the future will be born. The pyramid is finished, because its last rock has already been placed. As the world walks, ever more, for the fatal fulfillment of its desired destination, on top of that rock be landing foot and elevate the figure of Christ who, flaming, light like a beacon the road of wayfarers in search of light, to guide them through the long way of the human rises. Have faith, have sure. The New Era awaits you. In the immense struggle, Christ is the strongest and it will be with you and with all those who believe in Him."
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