It was a holy Christmas night in 1931, Modica ─ a city
in the uttermost parts of Sicily, Italy ─ when the Divine Presence then
decided to manifest to mankind on Earth, but differently from all other
previous times of our knowledge.
This time, the phenomenon of contact
did not occur in a tangible, physical environment, on the surface of the
world. It wasn't something visible or audible and, therefore, something that
could be picked up by the sensorias physical senses of a human being. There
was no Angel, no special envoy of heaven, but to our amazement, the
manifestation of our God, our Lord, our merciful and loving Father, our
Christ, our victimized Jesus.
In fact, this time, the fact was more precisely through a paranormal
phenomenon, in which they were used only the senses of the spirit and the
mind of a human being, a spirit incarnate, a mere mortal, of a simple man
named Pietro Ubaldi, the most perfect vehicle or human communication
apparatus used in the process of communication ─ a medium; however,
the most skilled human being in our time ─ on account of his spiritual
abilities and of his direct relationship with the Christ, when he was here
with us living as man among us.
Thus, Pietro received accurately all content necessary and appropriate to human beings of our time, in his earthly life,
serving as a beacon to guide humanity in their evolutionary path with
greater security in the face of adversities and uncertainties of the future.
Anyway, a repository of advice, teachings and clarifications about the
"reality of life", a manual of ethics and morals and Christian practices
that dictate love and respect to others, to tune the human attitudes,
unfortunately, truth be told, still far short of the ideal intended by
divine God to his children.
Therefore, messages received by Pietro Ubaldi are an
ultimate "celestial convocation", of sublime and high purposes; a great
evidence of the divine presence and his extreme love for his creatures, his
sons of Earth ─ anyway, a big appeal of God to men of good will to
become more perfect every day: "Be perfect as your father in Heaven" ─ is
what He recommended in those days in the land of Galilee.
So, in this blessed Christmas night, with the senses
of the spirit, Pietro, tuned to the divine mind, managed to receive that it
would be the first in a series of seven messages of Our Divine Master, Our
Father, Our Lord, and who begins like this: (Read Messages on the links